Membership - Join Today — S.S. JOHN W. BROWN

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Sign up yourself, a friend, a relative or an old shipmate as a member of Project Liberty Ship. By signing on you can help support the Project's goal of keeping this great ship steaming for many years to come! We have several membership levels to choose from.

$20 Youth (under age 21)
$40 Annual Individual Member
$50 Annual Foreign Member
$60 Annual Family Membership
$125 Annual Honorary Ship's Officer
$325 Annual Honorary Captain
$325 Annual Honorary Chief Engineer
$325 Annual Honorary Armed Guard Commanding Officer
$750 Life Membership / Honorary Convoy Commodore
$1500 Life Membership / Honorary Admiral



When you sign up for the $20 Youth (under age 21), $40 Individual Membership, $50 Foreign Membership, or the $60 Family Membership you will receive:

  • Beautiful membership certificate, ready to frame.

  • 10% discount on all purchases through the online store.

  • Regular newsletter - The Liberty Log - to keep you abreast of the BROWN's progress and upcoming events as well as Liberty ship history.

  • Open invitation to visit the BROWN at any time, with free admission.

  • Opportunity to volunteer aboard the ship. Come aboard the BROWN where you can work with our all-volunteer crew preserving and maintaining the ship. Our Volunteer's come from all walks of life, from all parts of the country, and there is always something to do.

Honorary Ship's Officer

When you sign up at the $125 membership level we will make you an Honorary Ship's Officer and you will receive:

  • Beautiful membership certificate, ready to frame.

  • 10% discount on all purchases through the online store.

  • Regular newsletter - The Liberty Log - to keep you abreast of the BROWN's progress and upcoming events as well as Liberty ship history.

  • Open invitation to visit the BROWN at any time, with free admission.

  • Opportunity to volunteer aboard the ship. Come aboard the BROWN where you can work with our all-volunteer crew preserving and maintaining the ship. Our Volunteer's come from all walks of life, from all parts of the country, and there is always something to do.

  • Special offers on Project Liberty Ship memorabilia.


Honorary Captain, Honorary Chief Engineer or Honorary Armed Guard Commanding Officer

At the $325 contribution level you become an Honorary Captain, Honorary Chief Engineer or Honorary Armed Guard Commanding Officer. Members at this level receive:

  • Beautiful membership certificate, ready to frame.

  • 10% discount on all purchases through the online store.

  • Regular newsletter - The Liberty Log - to keep you abreast of the BROWN's progress and upcoming events as well as Liberty ship history.

  • Open invitation to visit the BROWN at any time, with free admission.

  • Opportunity to volunteer aboard the ship. Come aboard the BROWN where you can work with our all-volunteer crew preserving and maintaining the ship. Our Volunteer's come from all walks of life, from all parts of the country, and there is always something to do.

  • Special offers on Project Liberty Ship memorabilia.

  • Invitations to special events.


Life Member Options

With a donation of $750 you become a Life Member and earn the title of Honorary Convoy Commodore.
With a donation of $1500 you become a Life Member and earn the title of Honorary Admiral. Memberships at this level receive:

  • Beautiful membership certificate, ready to frame.

  • 10% discount on all purchases through the online store.

  • Regular newsletter - The Liberty Log - to keep you abreast of the BROWN's progress and upcoming events as well as Liberty ship history.

  • Open invitation to visit the BROWN at any time, with free admission.

  • Opportunity to volunteer aboard the ship. Come aboard the BROWN where you can work with our all-volunteer crew preserving and maintaining the ship. Our Volunteer's come from all walks of life, from all parts of the country, and there is always something to do.

  • Special offers on Project Liberty Ship memorabilia.

  • Invitations to special events.


Project Liberty Ship depends upon the generosity of its members and of the public. The Project is a section 501(c)(3) organization with tax-deductible status with both the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Maryland.

If your employer has a matching corporate giving program, you may be able effectively to double your donation. Check with your employer.


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