The JOHN W BROWN offers a unique experience to lucky visitors. One way that people find out where we are and what we do is by seeing our volunteers at events. This is one more way our volunteers share their time and talents.
Fells Point hosts a Privateer Day each year to celebrate one of the many maritime traditions that are part of Maryland's rich connection with the Chesapeake.
While peacefully sharing stories and info with passersby these volunteers were ambushed by a rogue privateer.
Jack the Wonder Dog jumped to the rescue and there were happy endings all around.
The Mid-Atlantic Aviation Museum in Reading, PA hosts a WWII event the first weekend in June. The JOHN W BROWN is there to invite visitors to join us and to step back in time to 1944 on a Living History Cruise. We'll be there again this year. Please stop by and let us know you've seen the blog.
Doug and Hugh, both members of our Armed Guard, were enlightening visitors to the Battle of the Bulge Renactment in Ft Indiantown Gat in PA.
While they were there a guest shared a great photo of the JOHN W BROWN taken from the 1945 TBM Avenger that flies in our air shows. You can see that shot and more in this blog.
Volunteers turned out again this year for the Maritime Day Expo at Pier 13. Two of our members participated in the dedication of the NS Savannah's #2 lifeboat as an Armed Forces memorial. You can see pictures of Mike Schneider and Liam Bauman in this ceremony and more here.
The JOHN W BROWN was in Fells Point for the 4th of July Family Fest. The public was invited on board for free tours of the ship, to enjoy a variety show, and to indulge in a beer tasting courtesy of Max's Taphouse.
Max's Taphouse is well know for the staggering number of beers they have on tap, and in bottles. Here guests have so many good choices to sample during the on board beer tasting.
It was a great weekend for us to welcome so many new visitors on board.
We'll be at back at Pier 13 to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the end of WWII from September 5th - 7th. You will need to register for entry to Pier 13 and we'll have more information about this soon.
Project Liberty Ship, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit, all volunteer organization engaged in the preservation and operation of the historic ship JOHN W. BROWN as a living memorial museum. Gifts to Project Liberty Ship are tax deductible.